IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme

The Particle Physics Summer Student (PPSS) Programme is organised by the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN). It is addressed to students of second or higher year of physics and similar fields from Poland and abroad. The aim is to introduce the participants to particle physics (no prior knowledge is required). Students will be introduced to the basics of the Standard Model of particle physics, methodology of research in this field and statistical data analysis. PPSS is usually the first opportunity for students to participate in a real scientific research.

The 2024 edition will be held in an in-person mode only.

The PPSS Programme takes four weeks and is divided into two parts. The first one lasts one week and is common for all participants. It consists of a series of lectures and classes. A tentative programme of the first week can be found in the Program. All lectures and classes are held in English.

The second part of the PPSS Programme lasts three weeks and is devoted to a work on an individual project. Participants collaborate in small groups (usually in pairs) under supervision of a tutor. The topics of the projects will be chosen from the list that will be distributed during the first week. More details can be found in the Program.

On the last day, the participants will present the results of their projects in a form of short talks. The presentations will be assessed by the audience of other students and by jury of IFJ PAN scientists. The best presentations will be awarded. Presentations from past projects are in the History tab.

Dates of XII edition: 8 July - 2 August 2024.

Details and news will be announced on Facebook.


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IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme


The PPSS Programme is addressed to students of physics or related fields after their 2nd or higher year. In addition, the applicants are required to be familiar with Linux and C++ (or another modern high-level programming language).

Detailed information about all requirements can be found in this document.


The applicants will undergo a selection procedure. Application form is available here. A cover letter (i.e. a motivational letter, not a reference letter) needs to be attached. Since the programme is aiming at student at the beginning of their scientific career, we do not expect resumes and reference letters.
Before application, please check VISA requirements. Please remember that remote participation is not foreseen.

Application deadline: 19th May 2024!

Results will be announced by e-mail before 29th May 2024.


It is planned to organise a common lodging in one of the student dormitories in Cracow. The cost will be about 750 PLN for the full period. The details will be announced later.

The common lodging is voluntary. Participants may choose to organize lodging by themselves. However, in that case we will not be able to offer any support.


A partial/full support of the lodging costs will be possible for participants from outside of Cracow (both from Poland and abroad). The amount of the support will depend on the ranking position.

PPSS as a compulsory internship

As in previous years, it will be possible to credit the PPSS Programme as the compulsory internship required by Polish universities. This requires an agreement between the university and IFJ PAN. IFJ PAN provides a template of such an agreement. Some universities require their own templates. In all cases, the administrative procedures to collect all needed signatures usually take a few weeks. Therefore, participants interested in having the agreement are requested to inform the organisers about this fact once they are admitted to the programme.

Such agreement can be also prepared for the foreign students. Details should be consulted with Organizers.

The PPSS Programme lasts full four weeks for all participants. There is no possibility to take part for a shorter time. If the university requires a longer period, please inform the organisers in the application form (as "Additional information").